The short film tells the story of a young boy, who as a result of seeing a dog's corpse, becomes interested in the bodies of living things and starts to develop phobias. Before long all manner of things begin to appear grotesque to him.
The Thaw
HiAnime is the best site to watch yukidoke SUB online, or you can even watch yukidoke DUB in HD quality. You can watch the thaw free on HiAnime website.
The short film tells the story of a young boy, who as a result of seeing a dog's corpse, becomes interested in the bodies of living things and starts to develop phobias. Before long all manner of things begin to appear grotesque to him.
The Thaw, Yuki Doke, Thinking and Drawing: Nihon no Shinseiki Art Animation, Thinking and Drawing: Japanese Art Animation of the New Millennium, ゆきどけ
Finished Airing
HiAnime is the best site to watch yukidoke SUB online, or you can even watch yukidoke DUB in HD quality. You can watch the thaw free on HiAnime website.