The anime's story centers on Akira Kiyose, who sings on a video streaming site under the singer name "KIKUNOYU." One day the talent agency sMiLea Production scouts him. sMiLea is an agency founded by the retired legendary idol pair AneLa to train new budding idols. Akira then forms an idol group with Banri Naoe and Chihiro Isuzugawa, who were also scouted. Their new group, Protostar, will have their debut alongside other new idol groups with sMiLea Production: Legit and Jaxx Jaxx.
(Source: Anime News Network)
HiAnime is the best site to watch uniteup! SUB online, or you can even watch uniteup! DUB in HD quality. You can watch uniteup! free on HiAnime website.
The anime's story centers on Akira Kiyose, who sings on a video streaming site under the singer name "KIKUNOYU." One day the talent agency sMiLea Production scouts him. sMiLea is an agency founded by the retired legendary idol pair AneLa to train new budding idols. Akira then forms an idol group with Banri Naoe and Chihiro Isuzugawa, who were also scouted. Their new group, Protostar, will have their debut alongside other new idol groups with sMiLea Production: Legit and Jaxx Jaxx.
(Source: Anime News Network)
HiAnime is the best site to watch uniteup! SUB online, or you can even watch uniteup! DUB in HD quality. You can watch uniteup! free on HiAnime website.