The story centers on the relationship between Ryuuto Kashima, a gloomy social outcast, and Runa Shirakawa, a popular girl at school. Their relationship begins when Ryuuto has to ask Runa out as part of losing a game, and she ends up going out with him after saying "Well, I'm free right n...+ More
Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me
HiAnime is the best site to watch keikenzumi na kimi to, keiken zero na ore ga, otsukiai suru hanashi. SUB online, or you can even watch keikenzumi na kimi to, keiken zero na ore ga, otsukiai suru hanashi. DUB in HD quality. You can watch our dating story: the experienced you and the inexperienced me free on HiAnime website.
The story centers on the relationship between Ryuuto Kashima, a gloomy social outcast, and Runa Shirakawa, a popular girl at school. Their relationship begins when Ryuuto has to ask Runa out as part of losing a game, and she ends up going out with him after saying "Well, I'm free right now, after all." They have completely different social circles, and completely different hobbies, but as they hang out with each other, they begin recognizing and even accepting those differences as something to bond over.
(Source: Anime News Network, edited)
HiAnime is the best site to watch keikenzumi na kimi to, keiken zero na ore ga, otsukiai suru hanashi. SUB online, or you can even watch keikenzumi na kimi to, keiken zero na ore ga, otsukiai suru hanashi. DUB in HD quality. You can watch our dating story: the experienced you and the inexperienced me free on HiAnime website.