The story centers around girls who compete in sport climbing, particularly climbing artificially constructed walls. First-year high school student Konomi Kasahara discovered this sport at Hanamiya Girls' High School after training her mind with puzzle games during junior high school.
Hang On! Climbing Girls
HiAnime is the best site to watch iwa kakeru! sport climbing girls SUB online, or you can even watch iwa kakeru! sport climbing girls DUB in HD quality. You can watch hang on! climbing girls free on HiAnime website.
The story centers around girls who compete in sport climbing, particularly climbing artificially constructed walls. First-year high school student Konomi Kasahara discovered this sport at Hanamiya Girls' High School after training her mind with puzzle games during junior high school.
Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls
Oct 4, 2020 to Dec 20, 2020
Finished Airing
HiAnime is the best site to watch iwa kakeru! sport climbing girls SUB online, or you can even watch iwa kakeru! sport climbing girls DUB in HD quality. You can watch hang on! climbing girls free on HiAnime website.