Shikidouji, the illustrator of Shoji Gatoh's Full Metal Panic! light novel series, revealed that production has been green-lit on a "director's cut" version of the first Full Metal Panic!! television anime series from 2002. The director's cut will consist of three films. The announcement does not state if the film trilogy will add new footage.
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Shikidouji, the illustrator of Shoji Gatoh's Full Metal Panic! light novel series, revealed that production has been green-lit on a "director's cut" version of the first Full Metal Panic!! television anime series from 2002. The director's cut will consist of three films. The announcement does not state if the film trilogy will add new footage.
HiAnime is the best site to watch full metal panic! movie 2: one night stand SUB online, or you can even watch full metal panic! movie 2: one night stand DUB in HD quality. You can watch full metal panic!: one night stand free on HiAnime website.