The story is set in Rosewood Academy, a school that trains future heroes destined to protect mankind. The school accepts only those with the most potential. Arnest Flaming, a girl who boasts the top record in the academy, is assigned to guide a mysterious but cheerful new student named Blade who rivals her own power.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Classroom for Heroes
HiAnime is the best site to watch eiyuu kyoushitsu SUB online, or you can even watch eiyuu kyoushitsu DUB in HD quality. You can watch classroom for heroes free on HiAnime website.
The story is set in Rosewood Academy, a school that trains future heroes destined to protect mankind. The school accepts only those with the most potential. Arnest Flaming, a girl who boasts the top record in the academy, is assigned to guide a mysterious but cheerful new student named Blade who rivals her own power.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Eiyuu Kyoushitsu
Jul 9, 2023 to Sep 24, 2023
Finished Airing
HiAnime is the best site to watch eiyuu kyoushitsu SUB online, or you can even watch eiyuu kyoushitsu DUB in HD quality. You can watch classroom for heroes free on HiAnime website.