A nuclear explosion on Earth creates a rift that overlaps with hell, resulting in a devasting amount of dust pollution from Hell. Caught up in the chaos of the world is elementary school student Kento, who after finding a Daemon named Anna in the forest, decides to raise her. Together, the human and daemon pair embark on a journey to save Kento's mother.
My Daemon
HiAnime is the best site to watch boku no daemon SUB online, or you can even watch boku no daemon DUB in HD quality. You can watch my daemon free on HiAnime website.
A nuclear explosion on Earth creates a rift that overlaps with hell, resulting in a devasting amount of dust pollution from Hell. Caught up in the chaos of the world is elementary school student Kento, who after finding a Daemon named Anna in the forest, decides to raise her. Together, the human and daemon pair embark on a journey to save Kento's mother.
Boku no Daemon
Nov 23, 2023
Finished Airing
HiAnime is the best site to watch boku no daemon SUB online, or you can even watch boku no daemon DUB in HD quality. You can watch my daemon free on HiAnime website.