A collection of three classic Japanese horror stories: "Yotsuya Kaidan," the story of a wife betrayed by her husband who seeks vengeance even in death. "Tenshu Monogatari," the story of forbidden love between a goddess and a human, and "Bakeneko," the story of a mysterious cat monster with a vendetta against a certain family.
Ayakashi - Samurai Horror Tales
HiAnime is the best site to watch ayakashi: japanese classic horror SUB online, or you can even watch ayakashi: japanese classic horror DUB in HD quality. You can watch ayakashi - samurai horror tales free on HiAnime website.
A collection of three classic Japanese horror stories: "Yotsuya Kaidan," the story of a wife betrayed by her husband who seeks vengeance even in death. "Tenshu Monogatari," the story of forbidden love between a goddess and a human, and "Bakeneko," the story of a mysterious cat monster with a vendetta against a certain family.
HiAnime is the best site to watch ayakashi: japanese classic horror SUB online, or you can even watch ayakashi: japanese classic horror DUB in HD quality. You can watch ayakashi - samurai horror tales free on HiAnime website.